Monday, September 17, 2012

Vegetables and Brussel Sprouts

I do believe that I am going to try to deliver this message for Upward's this Year, spite of the fact that I do not like public speaking.

A couple years ago, God told me, in my soul, to call someone that very day, that very time.  I didn't follow the leading because frankly, I hate conflict.  Most of the communications that I had with that person for the preceding weeks had been extremely uncomfortable with shouts, attacks and inappropriate comments.  I was being verbally abused.  But, I knew that we were at a pivotal point in some conflict; and, I just wanted to continuing running away.  This person and I had boundary issues as long as I can remember.  But, that may be a story for another time, not today.

The reason for this prelude is just that I learned that when God tells me to do something, I need to listen and obey.  How do I know it is God?  I don't always know with 100% assurance.  Sometimes, I feel pretty sure it is, other times, not so much.  If the instruction would align with God's directions in the bible, I try to listen and obey.  Since that day of disobedience, I have gone out on a limb a few times with some crazy but good directives.  Here is my latest:


Vegetables are good for us.

The bible.  God's word.

The bible is good for us.

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV), All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

Brussel Sprouts.

Brussel Sprouts are good for us.  I hate Brussel Sprouts.  But, they are good for me.  They are good for us.

God's word that teaches, rebukes, corrects and trains in righteousness.... sometimes, I don't like it so much.  Sometimes, I want to do what I want to do even though I know it is not good for my soul.

I know that I never want to eat Brussel Sprouts even though they are good for my body.

Lord, help us to see that your word, your commandments, your directives are truly for our best.  Help us to consider and obey as it is good food for our soul.

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